Quantum Healing

You may have heard of quantum healing, especially from the best-selling book by Deepak Chopra called Quantum Healing. But, what does it mean? When we think of quantum we think of quantum mechanics as an area of theoretical physics. But how can you really heal from this quantum perspective? Quantum medicine is the future of medicine and there is currently a lot of science and research being performed on it and its role in healing.

Tied into theories on gravity healing is the concept of quantum healing–a phrase used by various physicians who practice integrative medicine. The field of integrative medicine is an approach to “whole person healing” that encompasses body, mind and spirit by encouraging healthy lifestyles. There are variations in each physician’s concept of integrative medicine based on current research. Leaders in the field of quantum healing include Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil,

Mehmet Oz, and many other well-respected physicians.

Chopra’s Quantum Healing (2015) shares stories of miraculous and even spontaneous healing when patients realize that we are not limited by our bodies (p. 9). Chopra points to cases in which even cancer has disappeared overnight–a healing state possibly triggered when patients shift their conscious attitude from a limited self-focused perspective to one that is more at one with the world. And while my book is not about “miracles” per se, miracles do occur all the time when we let go of limiting beliefs and embrace faith in the universe as a benevolent and healing source of wellness and abundance. There is plenty of evidence to support the healing power of our beliefs, from studies on placebo and nocebo effects (nocebo effects are when negative beliefs can actually kill you). There is a trend towards viewing ourselves as a “complete” or non-dual self that encompasses mind/body/spirit and connects us to the rest of the world. Quantum physics has proven through what is called the “observer effect” that thoughts affect matter, even when the matter is quite far from the thinker. Our thoughts do affect our healing.

Quantum physics has proven through what is called the “observer effect” that thoughts affect matter, even when the matter is quite far from the thinker. Our thoughts do affect our healing.

The Mysterious Quantum Reality

From a quantum physics perspective, quantum entanglement theory suggests that particles or objects are linked together such that the link bridges the space between them. Changes in one object’s quantum state determines changes in the other object’s quantum state regardless of how far away they are from each other. For example, a hypothetical pair of entangled coins will always land matching heads or tails even if they are flipped in different locations. Einstein

referred to quantum entanglement as “spooky action at a distance.” This theory might seem bizarre, but it is proving in a way why praying for another person might help them heal.

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