Quantum Healing
Quantum medicine is the future of medicine and there is currently a lot of science and research being performed on it and its role in healing the mind, body and soul.
Read MoreQuantum medicine is the future of medicine and there is currently a lot of science and research being performed on it and its role in healing the mind, body and soul.
Read MoreThere is nothing more joyful than stepping out onto a patch of cool, lush grass in your bare feet. Do you remember doing that as a kid? Here’s why you need to do it more often as an adult.
Read MoreYou feel many things through your feet because of their sensitivity to heat, cold or what you wear on them, but they truly are a source of energy intake or re-energizing through bioelectricity.
Read MoreMany of us think of Reflexology as a special treat at the spa when, in fact, it can really assist with your overall body health. Here’s an excerpt from Whole Foot Revolution, available on Amazon (June 22)
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